Casting Call for NYC Bus Shelter Campaign
The Graying of AIDS is excited to be working in collaboration with ACRIA on a new NYC-based HIV and aging awareness bus shelter campaign. While previous awareness campaigns have often used professional models or pictured individual older adults, the 2014 “Age is Not a Condom” campaign will focus largely on “real New Yorkers,” and we are still looking for older adults – especially Latino and mixed race couples, as well as trans women of all backgrounds with their partners – who are interested in participating. You do not need to be HIV+ to participate.
To download our “Casting Call / Frequently Asked Questions” flyer, please click here.
The campaign will consist mostly of images of “couples” because it is precisely when people are being sexual with each other that they may be putting themselves at risk for HIV. We think it’s a problem that we rarely see older adult bodies in our media – it suggests that older bodies aren’t sexual, or that they should be hidden; on the rare occasion that we DO see older bodies, the images are often disrespectful or comical. We want to counteract this ageism by creating beautiful images that honor this often ignored subset of New Yorkers in a tasteful way, and encourage our older adult neighbors to take good care of themselves.
Many people – including many older adults – incorrectly assume that HIV/AIDS is exclusively a problem affecting younger people, especially younger gay men, because that’s who is usually depicted in this type of ad. The “Age is Not a Condom” campaign aims to underscore that (a) older adults are sexual, too, and (b) for that reason, they may be at risk, so (c) practice safer sex, get tested, and, if necessary, get into treatment.
Maybe you’re in your 50’s or 60s and you and your partner would like to stand up for mature love? Maybe you have friends or relatives you think would be great for this campaign? We’re not requiring that “coupled” participants be in a relationship, but because they will be posing partially naked, in bed, and embracing, we are looking for people who are very comfortable with each other.) Or maybe you’d like to help us spread the word through your social networks?
We would really appreciate your support, whatever form it may take. “Share” us on Facebook! “Tweet” about the campaign! And if you’re interested in applying to participate, write to us at